Monthly Archives: January 2013

His Mercies are NEW everyday

I’ve come to the realisation that I never seem to do things right for long. Stereotypical failed New Years Resolutions? Check, check, check. My goodness, they weren’t even that difficult really. It seems even the most simple of tasks can be swept under the carpet when I’m feeling lazy – and suddenly, its late afternoon (like today) and I haven’t got squat to show for the time. Was so excited that I had a public holiday to catch up on study.

Yet, here’s the catch: it’s okay. You see, the combination of you not being perfect, plus an enemy lurking around trying to trip you up at every given moment means that these things will happen. HOWEVER. It also means that if you want something to happen, you can’t sit down and just hope that you’ll get it right eventually. You have to fight every moment – because that same enemy hates it when you start getting it right. Thankfully, we’re also not alone in this fight, because His mercies are NEW everyday. We are children of the Uptmost High King, and His authority is such that if we resist the devil – he will flee us. To add to it, His grace abounds, so if we mess up IT’S OKAY.Image

I now know why God says “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” and again, when James rebukes people saying “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”. It is NOW that matters, it is TODAY that matters if you want to make a change. So ‘pick up the loins of your mind’ and just get to it! I’m going to start studying NOW!